Hands arthritis / knitting

I have notice that good majority of matured knitters are suffering of hands arthritis. I love to knit and crochet so if I am not mindful I could be sitting down for two to three hours just happily knitting.

But it is not good for my overall health and I may easily and quickly develop hands arthritis as well so I stop myself every 20-30 minutes to stretch my hands and fingers, or give myself simple finger massage, or get up and clean the bathroom or kitchen to move my body around for awhile.

In order to continue enjoy my creation process, I must take care of my health.

I have finished knitting my rectangle shawl.

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I’ve used these simple purl-twist fabric stitches and I like them very much, it reminds me of elegant flower bed.

The best part of my life has begun.

I am creating my fabulous life.

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